Type Ratings
We currently offer 17 types of helicopter that you can add to your licence:
With our experienced instructors, you can be sure that you will receive the best training possible for your type rating. All type ratings consist of a ground school element before moving onto the flying phase.
Your initial twin-turbine rating generally consists of a minimum of 8 hours flying, with subsequent types requiring 3 hours. For all other queries on price and time required to be flown, give us a call and we will be happy to assist.
Guimbal Family: Cabri G2.
Robinson Family: R22, R44, R66.
Aérospatiale/Eurocopter/Airbus family: Gazelle SA341, Alouette II SE313, EC120, EC130, AS350 Single Squirrel, As355 Twin.
Agusta family: A109, Westland AW109, Bell AB206.
Bell family: B47, B205 - Huey, B206 L3 Long Ranger.
Hughes family: H269, H369.